Parents, You’re Doing Great!

To Our CPTWC Families: You’re Doing Great!

Parents always take on many roles in their children’s lives, but due to the shelter in place order parents are doing more than ever. You are now your child’s parent, caretaker, teacher, playmate, therapist, and more. You may be juggling this with a new work-from-home schedule, or you may be an essential worker attempting to find childcare in this difficult time.

Every parent is still trying to figure out online school, in order to assist in teaching your child. Every household is trying to balance appropriate screen time with the new school format. You are being creative, finding new ways for your children to have fun when going to the park with friends isn’t an option. You are learning to be the hands of your speech, occupational, and physical therapists.

Whew! That’s a lot.

In this crazy time, we want to assure you that you are rocking it. Here are a few reminders:

♥ It’s normal and healthy for your child to have unstructured, independent playtime.

♥ Not everything has to be therapy, and not everything has to be educational. It’s okay to just play with your child!

♥ It is valid to feel tired, overwhelmed, or lonely.

♥ Keep socializing! Video chat with your friends, coworkers, your mom, anyone. Stay connected to others during this time.

♥ It’s okay if you are struggling with online school. Math is totally different than when you were a kid!

♥ Give everyone the benefit of the doubt, including yourself.

♥ Don’t worry if your therapy techniques aren’t perfect- it’s hard! We are all learning together.

♥ Take time for yourself. Self care is always important. Carve out time to relax and breathe wherever you can find it.

♥ Some days are just bad days, and that is not a failure on you.Self Care