Fine Motor Gift 1

8 Fantastic Holiday Gifts for Fine Motor Coordination

Finished Shopping this Holiday Season?

Are you looking for ideas for toys or holiday gifts for your child? Here are few ideas that help to promote fine motor skills in children ages one year and up!  Although not endorsed by CPTWC, some of these toys below are also utilized at the center and can help to facilitate hand strengthening, grasp and pinch precision.  Happy holiday shopping! 

8 Fantastic Holiday Gifts for Fine Motor Coordination and Strengthening 

  1. Wok and Roll (3-4 years old and up) — This activity encourages fine motor precision and hand strengthening. Fine Motor Gift 1




2.Super Sorting Pie (3 years old and up) –– This activity provides opportunities for hand strengthening and color sorting. 

Fine Motor Gift 2






3. Hedgehog (18 months and up) — This activity is great for a wide age range of children. It promotes hand strengthening when pulling out and pushing in the spikes. 3 Spikes







4. Egg Matching Sets (18 months and up)  — This game set helps with hand strengthening. Also, it’s a great way to practice shape recognition and colors.  4 Eggs








5. The Sneaky Snacky Squirrel Game (3 years and up) — This is a fun hand strengthening game using tweezers. It also encourages turn-taking skills.  5 Squirrel








6. Stacking Peg Board (One year and up) — Facilitates hand strengthening and fine motor precision. Also, a great activity for color sorting. 

6 Peg








7. Jenga (8 years and up) — Facilitates fine motor control and grading of appropriate force required to remove pieces. 

7 Jenga








8. Operation (6 years and up) — Facilitates fine motor control and grading of appropriate force required to remove pieces.

  8 Operation





We Are Here to Help!

Pediatric occupational therapists help children master daily life skills with ease and efficiency. The “job” or “occupation” of a child is to play, use tools such as crayons or utensils, and interact with their environment, adults and their peers effectively.

Should you have questions or concerns regarding your child’s adaptations to daily life skills, please check out more information about our occupational therapists and what they do for children every day! Contact our specialists for a consultation at 773-687-9241!