Telehealth Therapy and My Baby

Telehealth continues to set a precedent in the pediatric therapy world. It may be difficult to identify what this looks like. Especially for those like yourself who have an infant, toddler, or child and are seeking virtual services. Many ask, “What will Telehealth Therapy look like for my baby?”

Below are some expectations you would typically see for each telehealth therapy session for pediatric physical therapy. They will help clear up some gray area regarding this process.

Prepping for a Telehealth Physical Therapy Session

Your physical therapist will send you a link to access a secure Zoom meeting. They will work with you to set up on a different platform depending on your preference. You can use your laptop, phone, tablet, or any other device that supports video.

After that, it’s time to get to work.  Telehealth physical therapy sessions are completed on the floor. Typically its best to done where your baby likes to play. Have your baby’s favorite toys or books ready. Having them nearby to motivate them during the physical therapy session is imperative.

Addressing your Individual Concerns and Goals

At the beginning of a video visit, your physical therapist will extensively discuss and address any concerns. You will be able to ask any questions you may have. Similarly, your physical therapist will ask you about goals for your baby. Together you will develop a plan of care to assist your baby’s development.

Assessing your Baby’s Movement

Your physical therapist will assess your baby’s movement during a telehealth visit. Similarly, they may ask you to motivate your baby to move with toys or to position your baby in a certain way. You will likely need to be able to move your device during the visit. Please be able to to give your physical therapist different camera angles. You will be asked questions about the way your baby typically moves. After that, you may be asked to give a virtual tour of your baby’s place space.

Treating your Baby
Telehealth physical therapy sessions are very hands on for parents. In addition, your physical therapist will teach you exercises. They will also teach handling techniques to help meet your baby’s needs. You will become an expert in treating your baby! Your physical therapist will ensure that you feel confident in all of the techniques you will need.

Developing a Home Program

You will work together with your physical therapist to develop a home program for the week that will meet your baby’s needs. The techniques you learn during your telehealth physical therapy session can be used throughout the week. The more practice the more progress.  At the following session, you will review what went well. After that, the discussion will touch on what was difficult. Then your therapist will give pointers or progressions to each session’s home program.

Following Up

Your physical therapist will provide their contact information and as a team, you will determine the best way to stay connected throughout the week. Connections will be made using telehealth therapy and various other forms of communication. You may receive follow up emails about your home program to review and make sure you have the activities clarified.

Teletherapy Time!

Above all, open communication is the best way to ensure telehealth therapy success! Always feel free to reach out to your physical therapist at any time between sessions with questions, concerns, and successes! To read more or learn more about our clinic check out all the services we offer here.

In addition, if you want more clarity on the process? Call our pediatric physical, occupational, speech and behavioral therapists to get started with sessions today! We have worked with all of our insurance providers to get the approvals needed for Telehealth sessions. Our specialists can be reached at 773-987-9241 to schedule an evaluation today!