Play and Language Activities With A Ball


Interaction, Language Activities, & Development

Whether it’s tucked away in your garage, covered in mud, or somewhere under your couch, we all have one of these in our house: a Ball! Read on to find out how to use it in a Language Activity!

No matter what age, all children and adults alike find some interest in playing or interacting with a ball! Interaction between you and your child while using different household items or objects is a gateway to overall language development!

Here are 5 examples of how using a Ball during Language Activities can enhance language development:

  • • Builds understanding of Basic Concepts: Colors, numbers, shapes, size (“GREEN ball!”, “I have ONE RED ball!” “A SMALL RED ball!”)


  • • Builds understanding of Action Words: roll, bounce, give, take, throw, turn, hold, look, put, etc. (“BOUNCE the ball up high!”, “ROLL the ball to me!”, “PUT it in the bucket!”)


  • • Builds understanding of Prepositional Concepts: up, down, across, in, on, under, above, below  (“The little ball is UNDER the couch!”, “Where did the ball go? It’s IN the bucket!” “It’s ABOVE my head!”)


  • Builds understanding of Descriptors: “FAST ball!”, “LITTLE ROUND ball!”, “RED ball is SLOW!”, etc.


  • • Builds understanding of Pronouns: “Your”, “My”, “I”, “Mine, “His”, “Hers”

Ways to play with or use a ball: 

  • • Take turns with the ball: Use pronouns while describing the ball. “It’s MY turn with green ball!”, “I’m bouncing the blue ball!”, “You take the ball”)


  • • Hide the ball: Work on prepositional concepts and have your child find the ball. Make sure to provide them with the location of the item (“The ball is UNDER the table!”, “She put it ON the couch!”)


  • • Use it outdoors!: This will allow more actions to be worked on. Kick, play, throw, bounce, etc.

Language Activities with balle








Some parents and caregivers (maybe even some therapists!) might feel like they need structured games/toys/activities in order to build the language skills of their child or client. As you can see, there is a multitude of ways to expand a child’s language and enrich their world while playing with a ball!

Questions or Concerns?

Still need help with enhancing your toddler’s speech and language skills? Check out our Speech Therapy Page or call one of our pediatric speech pathologists today for an evaluation to learn more fun ways to encourage your child to talk! They can be reached at 773-687-9241! Does your school age child need further assistance? Take a look at our Therapeutic Academy and see how it can assist is enriching your child’s speech skills and much more!