Teaching Your Child How to Catch a Ball in 4 Easy Steps. Learning to catch a ball can be a very tricky task! It requires hand-eye coordination, visual acuity, balance, and depth perception, all at the same time! A lot of these skills are not natural to an individual, but instead, take experience to develop…

Fine Motor Fun with Playdoh!

Fine Motor Fun with Playdoh!

Stuck inside and looking for some creative ways to play with playdoh with your child? Are you looking for some fun things to do that will both keep your child’s attention as well as challenge their fine motor skills? Playdoh provides so many opportunities to develop fine motor skills, expand pretend play skills and support…

4 Ways to Set Up Your Home to Encourage Your Toddler’s Development

4 Ways to Set Up Your Home to Encourage Your Toddler’s Development

“They’re getting into everything!” As a physical therapist, one of my favorite phrases to hear from parents of toddlers is “they’re getting into everything!” Toddlers are little explorers learning to walk, climb, and navigate their environments. They are working on motor planning, or the connection between the brain and the body that allows a toddler…

Promoting Early Language With Your Child Utilizing Joint Attention

Promoting Early Language With Your Child Utilizing Joint Attention

Most language facilitation strategies focus on helping your child begin to talk. Parents are ultimately hoping for verbal communication first, so we do everything in our power to encourage the use of words. But, what if we told you there is more to communication than just the use of words? In fact, there are numerous…

Increasing Language Facilitation with Tupperware

Increasing Language Facilitation with Tupperware

Time For Tupperware Long gone are the days of using containers purely as food or toy storage. You can click them, snap them, and pop them into place. Now…you can use them for language development! Storage containers are a fantastic language facilitation tool. Studies have shown that children enjoy looking at and playing with things that adults use frequently. Below, find some ways that…