Let’s Get Your Baby Moving

Let’s Get Your Baby Moving

By 10 months, your baby is probably really moving or really trying to move! Every moment should feel like a new adventure for them and changing diapers should be like a wrestling match! During this time of increase exploration, it is important that your child’s development continues to progress symmetrically. So, let’s get your baby…

Low Muscle Tone in Babies

Low Muscle Tone in Babies

Low muscle tone in babies, sometimes called hypotonia or “floppy baby,” is a condition that can affect your child’s development. If a doctor has mentioned low muscle tone, or you suspect low muscle tone, a physical therapist can help. What is low muscle tone? Tone is a description of a quality of a muscle, but…

Potty Training Under Pressure!

Potty Training Under Pressure!

Is your child is staying dry throughout the night? Are they telling you they want a diaper change, or showing signs of discomfort when wet? If you answered yes, then they might be ready for potty training. Each child’s needs are different and what works for one child may not always work for another. Here…

ABA 101 at CPTWC

ABA 101 at CPTWC

ABA stands for Applied Behavior Analysis, which a scientific approach for understanding and improving behavior. ABA relies on evidence based interventions to help guide a child’s individualized treatment plan. Applied Behavior Analysis is often applied in populations with intellectual and developmental disabilities and research supports significant effects on increasing socially appropriate behaviors. ABA is used…