Halloween Craft Ideas

Halloween Craft Ideas

Halloween is around the corner and we have three fun and festive crafts that focus heavily on fine motor development and sensory play! Each of these crafts has an emphasis on development of pincer grasp, tripod grasp, and index finger isolation.  Explore touch senses and messy play with glue, paint, and tissue paper to promote sensory integration all while making something festive or the whole…

Why is “Core Language” Important for Early Language Development?

Why is “Core Language” Important for Early Language Development?

It is an exciting time for a parent to hear their child say their first word, no matter when that happens! As a speech-language pathologist, we often have caregivers state that their young child uses words but that they are using the same word for so many different things. Something heard quite often is “He…

5 Heavy Work Activities Around the House

5 Heavy Work Activities Around the House

We have eight senses (touch, taste, smell, sight, auditory, vestibular, interception, and proprioception). Our proprioceptive system provides feedback through our muscles and joints to figure out where our body is in space. Some proprioceptive activities are also referred as “heavy work” activities. Examples of Heavy Work Activities Heavy work activities add resistance during pulling or…

5 Ways to Use a Body Sock

5 Ways to Use a Body Sock

Purchased a body sock or plan to make one with some stretchy lycra fabric? This article has some great ideas on how to implement its use for your sensory-seeking child! First to check: the body sock should be about the same height as your child, or even a little smaller. You want your child to…

What is the Role of a BCBA in ABA Therapy?

What is the Role of a BCBA in ABA Therapy?

A Board Certified Behavior Analyst or BCBA holds a graduate level certification in behavior analysis. BCBAs are certified through the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) and must adhere to the Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts. In order to become a BCBA, an individual must obtain their Master’s degree, complete supervised fieldwork, and…

Memory & Recall

Memory & Recall

Ways to Help Your Child With Memory & Recall – From a Speech Pathologist Perspective Does it sometimes feel like pulling teeth when asking your child what they did at school or what they did during a play date with a friend? Does your child have a hard time remembering a lot of things? As…

My Child Walks On Their Knees!

My Child Walks On Their Knees!

Does your child walk on their knees instead of on their feet? Here’s a rundown from a pediatric physical therapist of the ramifications, causes, and the potential treatments of knee walking. What is Knee Walking? Knee walking is a pattern of locomotion where a child “walks” on their knees in a tall kneeling position. The…

ABA – The Strengths of Having a Collaborative, Multi-Disciplinary Team

ABA – The Strengths of Having a Collaborative, Multi-Disciplinary Team

Why is ABA more effective when combined with other disciplines?  Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Therapy works on a variety of areas with a child, from language, to feeding, to transitions, to self help skills, the list goes on and on! The speech pathologists, occupational therapists, and physical therapists that may also be on your child’s…