What is the Role of a BCBA in ABA Therapy?

A Board Certified Behavior Analyst or BCBA holds a graduate level certification in behavior analysis. BCBAs are certified through the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) and must adhere to the Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts. In order to become a BCBA, an individual must obtain their Master’s degree, complete supervised fieldwork, and pass the BCBA examination.

A BCBA will be the team leader of an ABA therapy program and will work closely with the team and family. The BCBA will conduct an initial assessment and will use those results to develop a treatment and behavior intervention plan. They will train and collaborate with all individuals who interact with the child receiving therapy.

ABA Therapy Team

These individuals include RBTs (Registered Behavior Technicians), parents/caregivers, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, social workers, teachers and other professionals creating an IEP, and any other professional carrying out the treatment plan to ensure proper implementation and consistency. BCBAs will monitor progress on a weekly basis and make modifications as needed, which may include regular updates to goals, parent education and coaching, and RBT training on implementation.

BCBAs rotate their time with each provider of a child’s team, performing direct supervision by observing and training RBTs, parent trainings, reassessing and conducting ongoing team meetings. BCBAs spend an ample amount of time behind the scenes writing treatment and behavior plans, analyzing data, making program updates, scheduling, collaborating with other therapies, attending IEP meetings, completing school observations, creating materials, documenting, and supervising graduate level students who are studying to become BCBAs.

Need More Info?

A BCBA is an integral role and will be the go-to person for an ABA therapy program. For more information on ABA therapy and how a BCBA can help your child reach their maximum potential at Chicago Pediatric Therapy & Wellness Center, please call our office today at 773-687-9241!